Applying a tax to the Shipping fees on a Sales Invoice
Now you can apply a tax to the shipping fees on the invoices created through the software or by sending the sales invoices from Salla app or your own store in case of integration with the software.
You need to make sure to set up your tax settings on the shipping fees correctly by following these steps:
- Click “Sales” from the main menu.
- Click on “Sales Settings”.
- Click on “Shipping Options”.
- Click on the “New Shipping Option” button or the “Edit” button in case you have previously entered any shipping options and wish to edit them.
- Enter the shipping details as follows:
- Name: enter the shipping option name that will be displayed in the shipping details in the invoice.
- Status: select the shipping option status between either “Active” or “Inactive”.
- Tax: select the tax that you wish to apply on the shipping fees.
- Make sure to assign the tax type to the shipping option so that it will be applied to the sales that are generated through the software or that will be migrated through the online shops.
- Make sure to assign the tax type to the shipping option so that it will be applied to the sales that are generated through the software or that will be migrated through the online shops.
- Fees: enter the shipping fee related to that shipping option.
- Display Order: select the display order for that shipping option in the dropdown menu
- Description: enter a description for the shipping option.
- Click “Save” once you are done.
After setting up the shipping option tax settings, an account will be created automatically for the “Shipping Tax” in which all the transactions related to the shipping taxes will be reflected.