Offers on Sales
Note: before you start, make sure to activate the “Offers” app on your account.
- Click “Sales” from the main menu.
- Click on “Sales Settings”.
- Click on “Offers”.
- Click on “Add Offer”.
- Enter the offer details as follows
- Name: enter the offer name.
- Valid From: enter the beginning date of the offer validity.
- Valid To: enter the ending date of the offer validity.
- Type: choose the offer type between:
- Discount on Item: this type is selected in case there’s an offer on a specific item.
- Buy N Get Discount On Cheapest Item: This type is selected in case of purchasing a number of items to apply the discount on the cheapest item.
- Discount on Item: this type is selected in case there’s an offer on a specific item.
- Amount Needed to Apply the discount: enter the required items quantity for the discount to be applied.
- Note: this option is enabled when you choose the second type of discount “Buy N Get Discount On Cheapest Item” from the two available types.
- Name: enter the offer name.
- Client Categories: Amongst the client categories that you have set in your account, choose the categories that you wish to take advantage of the offer. For more info, check the “Client Categories” guide.
- Enter the Offer Item Details as follows:
Item Type: choose from the dropdown menu if it’s a category or an item.
Items: select the items required in the offer depending on the selected item type as follows:- Category: in case of choosing category as the item type, the system will display to you categories only when searching in the items dropdown menu.
- Product: In case of choosing Product as the item type, the system will display products only when searching in the items dropdown menu.
- Category: in case of choosing category as the item type, the system will display to you categories only when searching in the items dropdown menu.
- Click “Save” once you are done.
- Note: you need to select both or item level discount from your discount options so that the discount takes place when issuing an invoice to a client. For more info, check the “Invoices & Estimates Settings” guide.