Next Invoice Number: You can set the auto numbering for your invoices and set the next invoice number by clicking on the “Auto Number Settings” button that you will find at the right hand side of the field. For more info, you can review the “Auto Number Settings” guide.
Enable Changing Invoice Number For Each Invoice: This option allows you to enable or disable the feature of changing the invoice number for each invoice when you are creating it or editing it.
Invoicing Method: Choose the invoicing method that you wish to apply for the invoices created in your Daftra account, and you can choose between:
Both: The system will allow you to switch between the “Print (Offline)” and “Send via Email” options.
Print (Hard Copy): All of the invoices issued will be printable only.
Electronically via Email: All of the invoices issued will be available for sending via email only.
Discount Option: to set the discount options in your invoices, and you can choose between:
Total discount: Allows you to add a discount to the total of invoices only.
Item discount: Allows you to add a discount on an item level only in your invoices.
Both: Allows you to add both item & total discounts.
Zero Fraction Appearing: Showing the zero fractions in the invoices, and you can choose between:
Auto: the system will show the zero fractions or not show them depending on the way the number are entered in the invoice item table.
Show Always: The system will add the zero fractions always on your invoices even if the numbers entered are whole.
Hide Always: The system will always hide the fractions from your invoices even if they are entered in the invoice item table.
Disable Invoice Items Edit: To disable the invoice creator from manually entering the items sold in the invoice item table without selecting them from the related dropdown.
Disable Estimates Module: To disable the estimates module and hide it from the “Sales” menu on your Daftra account.
Enable Invoice Manual Statuses: Adding a number of invoice statuses apart from the available payment statuses. For more details, review the guide “Changing the invoice status”.
Enable Estimate Manual Statuses: Adding a number of estimate statuses apart from the original available statuses. For more info, review the “Changing the Estimate Status” guide.
Disable Shipping Options: You can disable the shipping options and their related fields and hide them when creating an invoice.
Enable Maximum Discount: Settings up the maximum allowed discount when creating an invoice..
When enabling this functionality by ticking the box next to it, entering the value of the maximum discount becomes required. Note: in case you have other users on your Daftra account, you can set up the value of the “Employees maximum discount” from your “Sales Settings”. For more information, review the guide “Maximum allowed Discount”.
Enable Sales Adjustment: from these settings you can adjust the decimals that exist in the total of the invoice by either deducting them or increasing them to a whole number. Check the “Invoice Adjustment” guide.
Mark Invoices As Already Paid By Default: When enabling this setting, the “Already Paid” box will be automatically ticked in all of the sales invoices.
Enable Preview Invoice Before Saving: When enabling this option, users will be able to preview the invoice when creating it, and in case it’s disabled, they wouldn’t be able to preview the invoice before saving it. Note: In case this option is enabled (and you have activated the KSA Electronic Invoice option on your Daftra account) and a user is creating an invoice, the QR code shown in the preview will be a dummy one and different from the QR code that will show when saving the invoice.
Auto Pay Invoices if the Client Has Available Credit: The system will automatically pay the overdue invoices for your client in case they have available credit on their account.
Note: Auto payments will work by paying of elderly created invoices then the newest ones.
Select Price List in Invoices: You can enable this functionality by ticking the box next to it to be able to select the price lists in your invoices. For more info, check the “Adding a Price List” guide.
Send Invoices & Estimates Via-Whats-App: By using this feature, you can send invoices and estimates via WhatsApp to your clients, bearing in mind that you would need first to make sure you’ve entered a valid number for your client.
Display the Invoice Profit: After activating this feature, you can display the profit generated by each invoice individually through the invoice screen. Check the “Invoice Profit” guide.
Custom Journal Description: Through this setting, you can add a manual description to the invoice journal entries by using the variables guide.