
Manufacturing Orders Custom Fields

The custom fields for manufacturing orders allow you to add various custom fields for the data you consider important to include in the manufacturing order. In the system, you’ll find a vast collection of fields with diverse uses to serve all your business needs. This guide will introduce you to the types of these fields and how to customize them.

You can learn a brief about the use of each of the manufacturing orders custom fields from here.

How to add Custom Fields for Manufacturing Orders

You can now see a part of the default screen for manufacturing orders, which you can rely on if you do not need to create a new field.

If you wish to add a field to the manufacturing order file, you can navigate to “Settings” under “Manufacturing” in the main menu, then click on “Manufacturing Orders Custom Fields.”

A list of the types of the available fields for addition will appear. All you need to do is drag and drop, then adjust the properties as outlined in the Guide to Custom Fields for Manufacturing Orders.


The field key Key must be unique; duplicating the same key for more than one field is not allowed. Otherwise, the following error message will appear:

“(Field Name) has a duplicate value.”

The custom fields appear in the manufacturing order like this after saving.

Manufacturing Orders Dynamic Fields

In addition to the previous field properties, there are dynamic fields related to dropdown lists, which are linked to the database.

They appear automatically as choices when you click on the dropdown menu of the field, without the need for you to manually input these choices when creating the custom field.

Properties of Dynamic Fields:

Entity: You choose the database associated with the field.

Listing Field: You choose the part that you want to display as a choice for the field from this database.

Notice the automatic appearance of the countries’ database from the system due to the nature of the dynamic field, which is linked to the countries’ database.