
Deactivating a Product/ Service on the Account

What is the feature of temporarily deactivating the Product/ Service on the account?

Deactivating a product or service means excluding it from any transactions conducted on the account, whether in sales or purchase invoices, or in withdrawal, addition, and transfer movements within the inventory.


Deactivated products or services will not appear in the lists inside the operation windows of the account. They will only appear in inventory reports if any transactions or movements have been carried out on these products and services before the temporary deactivation step.


They also appear in the main “Products & Services” list on the account, with the status “Inactive” displayed on the disabled product or service profile.

Deactivating a Product/ Service on the Account

  1. Click on “Inventory” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Products & Services”.
  3. Browse the product/service profile you want to disable.
  4. Click on the “Edit” button.
  5. Choose “Inactive” from the “Status” field.
  6. Click on the “Update” button.
  7. The product or service is disabled and prevented from being involved in any operations on the account.
  • Note: The product/service appears in the products and services list with the status “Inactive”.