
Exclude Items Categories From Sales Transactions

The system allows you to add products specific to each branch or share products between branches. Through one of the sales settings, you can exclude some product categories from certain branches, preventing the creation of invoices for specific products in some branches, even though the products are generally shared across all branches.

This guide explains how to exclude certain categories or products from some of your branches in your account.

Adding Products to a Category

The system allows you to exclude product categories from a branch, not individual products. If you want to exclude a single product, you should add it to a category as well.

Categories are added in the product file in the field related to “Category” as follows:

You can find all the products belonging to a specific category by clicking on “Products and Services” from the dropdown menu under “Inventory” in the main menu.

Then, select the desired category in the search field related to the category and click the “Search” button to display a list of products in that category.

For more information on adding a new category and organizing products within the category, refer to the guide on how to categorize products.

Enable Sharing Products Between Branches

The feature to exclude certain product categories from specific branches is available when products are shared among all your branches. To enable this, go to “Branch Settings” from the dropdown menu under “Branches” in the main menu, activate the “Share Products Across Branches” setting, and click the “Save” button.

If the “Share Products Across Branches” setting is disabled, you will need to add products to each branch individually.

Activating the Setting to Exclude Certain Categories from Specific Branches and Its Impact on Invoices

Click on “Sales Settings” from the dropdown menu under “Sales” in the main menu, then click on “General Invoice / Estimate Settings“. Choose the category you want to exclude from this branch by selecting it from the dropdown menu under “Exclude Items Categories from Sales Transactions” and click the “Save” button.

The current branch appears below the account name at the top right of the screen.

From the same branch where we excluded the category, we create a new invoice.

We notice that all cheese products included in the “Grocery” category do not appear among the products available for selection in the invoice, even when searching for them. This indicates that the product category has indeed been excluded from this branch.

We switch to the branch from which the “Grocery” category was not excluded and create an invoice; we notice that the products in this category appear and can be selected in the invoice.

Excluded categories in one branch are not applied to other branches unless we manually exclude the same category in the different branches.

If a product belongs to two different categories, both categories must be excluded from the branch where you do not want this product to appear on invoices. Simply excluding one of the categories will not suffice; both categories must be excluded to prevent the product from appearing in invoices.