
Adding a Note/ Attachment to the Production Plan

Adding notes and attachments for a production plan can be used to inform system users about specific details related to the production plan, to store important files, or even as a way to categorize production plans based on particular notes or attachments using tags.


Learn more about this feature in this guide.

How to Add a Note/Attachment to the Production Plan?

From the main menu, click on “Production Plans” under “Manufacturing.” Then, select the production plan file you want to add a note or attachment to.

Click on the “Add Note & Attachment” button.

Enter the following information:

  • Date and Time: Specify the date and time for adding the note or attachment.
  • Note: Write the desired notes in the box.
  • Attachments: Add the required files as an attachment to the Prodeuction Plan either by clicking on the “Upload” button or by dragging and dropping the attachment.

Below the attachments, you can add a tag to categorize specific notes and attachments, which will help you easily search and filter them later.

Once you have completed all the fields, click on the “Save” button.

From the production plan file, you can click on the “Notes & Attachments” tab to view the following details:

  • The text of the note or the attached file.
  • The date and time when the note or attachment was added.
  • The employee who added the note or attachment.

By clicking on the tag related to a note, you can view all notes with the same tag. This serves as an effective tool for searching and filtering.