
Manual Transactions on the Inventory

Creating a Manual Inbound Requisition

  1. Click on “Inventory” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Manage Requisitions”.
  3. Click on the “Add” button.
  4. Select “Manual Inbound” from the dropdown list.
  5. Enter the details of the transaction you wish to add as follows:
    • Requisition Information:
      • Date: Set the date and time the transaction is saved to the account.
    • Inventory Information:
      • Warehouse: Select the warehouse affected by the product movement from the dropdown list.
        • Note: The warehouse selection option appears only if there are multiple warehouses in the account. For more details, refer to the “Add Warehouse” guide.
    • Other Information:
      • Journal Account: Choose the account affected by the movement against the inventory value.
        • Notes:
          • The default account in the system is “Other Payables” in the case of adding.
          • The journal account field appears only when the “Chart of Accounts & Journals Accounting” app is activated in the account. For more details, refer to the Activate the Chart of Accounts App guide.
      • Notes: Add any required notes in the dialogue box.
    • Items:
      • Items: Select from the dropdown list the items you want to include in the transaction.
      • Unit Price: Determine the cost price for the product.
      • Qty: Determine the quantity of the added product.
      • Stock On Hand: The system will show you the product quantity in the inventory before the transaction.
      • New Stock On Hand: The system will show you the product quantity in the inventory after the transaction.
      • Total: The system will display the total price based on the product quantity.
  6. Click on the “Confirm” button.
  • Note: In the case of manual inbound transaction, the inbound requisition is saved with the status “Accepted” directly.

Creating an Outbound Requisition

  1. Click on “Inventory” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Manage Requisitions”.
  3. Click on the “Add” button.
  4. Select “Manual Outbound” from the dropdown list.
  5. Enter the details of the transaction you wish to add as follows:
    • Requisition Information:
      • Date: Set the date and time the transaction is saved to the account.
    • Inventory Information:
      • Warehouse: Select the warehouse affected by the product movement from the dropdown list.
        • Note: The warehouse selection option appears only if there are multiple warehouses in the account. For more details, refer to the “Add Warehouse” guide.
    • Other Information:
      • Journal Account: Choose the account affected by the movement against the inventory value.
        • Notes:
          • The default account in the system is “Other Receivables” in the case of dispensing.
          • he journal account field appears only when the “Chart of Accounts & Journals Accounting” app is activated in the account. For more details, refer to the Activate the Chart of Accounts App guide.
      • Notes: Add any required notes in the dialogue box.
    • Items:
      • Items: Select from the dropdown list the items you want to include in the transaction.
      • Unit Price: Determine the price for the product.
      • Qty: Determine the quantity of the dispensed product.
      • Stock On Hand: The system will show you the product quantity in the inventory before the transaction.
      • New Stock On Hand: The system will show you the product quantity in the inventory after the transaction.
      • Total: The system will display the total price based on the product quantity. Enter the details of the transaction you wish to add as follows:
  6. Click on the “Confirm” button.
  • Note: In the case of manual outbound transaction, the outbound requisition is saved with the status “Accepted” directly.

Creating a Manual Transfer Requisition

  1. Click on “Inventory” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Manage Requisitions”.
  3. Click on the “Add” button.
  4. Select “Manual Transfer” from the dropdown menu.
  5. Enter the transaction details as follows:
    • Requisition Information:
      • Date: Adjust the date and time to save the movement on the account.
    • Inventory Information:
      • From: Select the warehouse from which the product quantity will be transferred.
      • To: Select the warehouse that will receive the transfer from the first warehouse.
    • Other Information:
      • Notes: Add any required notes in the dialogue box.
    • Items:
      • Items: Select from the dropdown menu the items to be included in the transaction.
      • Unit Price: Determine the cost price of the product.
      • Qty: Determine the quantity of products to be transferred.
      • Stock On Hand: The system will show you the quantity of the product in the warehouse before the transaction.
      • New Stock On Hand: The system will show you the quantity of the product in the warehouse after the transaction.
      • Total: The system will display the total price based on the product quantity.
  6. Click on the “Confirm” button to create the requisition.