Bulk Updating a Price List
The bulk update feature for the price list updates the prices of the products/services in a specific price list, without making any changes to the prices of other products/services… not included in the specified price list.
- Click on “Inventory” from the main menu.
- Click on “Price Lists“.
- Click on the “Bulk Update” button.
- Enter the required criteria data as follows:
- Type: Click on “Price List“.
- Select Price List: Choose the price list whose prices you wish to update from the dropdown menu.
- Category: Choose between products or services or leave the field as it is in case both are selected; as required.
- Brand: Choose the brand related to the desired products if available, or leave it as is if choosing all brands.
- Rate: You can set the rate either by amount or by percentage, as follows:
- Amount: Click on “Amount“, where you can enter the value to increase or decrease the products in the price list as required.
- Note: If you want to increase the value of the products, you should enter a positive value. If you want to decrease their value, you should enter a negative value.
- Percentage: Click on “Percentage“, where you can enter the percentage to increase or decrease the products.
- Note: If you want to increase the product’s value, choose “Increase” from the dropdown “Select Percent Type“. If you wish to decrease the value, select “Decrease” from the dropdown “Select Percent Type“.
- Amount: Click on “Amount“, where you can enter the value to increase or decrease the products in the price list as required.
- Click on the “Save” button.
- The system will ask you to confirm this change by displaying the price list details with the old and new data.
- Click on the “Save” button to save the changes.