
Managing Related Forms Records

You can manage the related forms records by viewing all the added forms for each form individually.

Steps to display the Records Management

  1. Click on “Clients” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Client Settings”.
  3. Click on the card “Related Forms”.
  4. Click on the actions button “…” next to the form whose records you want to view.
  5. Click on the button “Manage Records”.
  6. A page will appear displaying all the records that have been added to the form.
  7. Click on the actions button “…” next to any record and you can perform any of the following actions:
    • View: This option allows you to “View” the added form record.
    • Edit: This option allows you to make “Edits” to the added form record.
    • Delete: This option allows you to “Delete” the added form record.