
Solve the issue of being unable to send the client’s login credentials

Normally, you can send the client’s login credentials as long as they have an email address registered in their profile, as shown in the following image.

Click on “Sales Settings” from the dropdown under “Sales” in the main menu, then click on “General Invoice/Estimate Settings.” From the dropdown list of the “Invoicing Method” field, select “Both.” Then click the Save button. After that, go back to create a new client, and you will most likely find that the client’s invoicing method field has appeared.

Then go to the client’s profile for which you want to send the login credentials, click on “Edit,” and make sure to select the invoicing method “Send via Email” in the client’s profile. Also, ensure that the email address is correct, then click the “Save” button. After that, the “Send Login Credentials to Client” option should appear as normal.