
Converting a Journal Entry to a Draft

This feature allows you to convert an issued  journal entry into a draft, enabling you to negate the accounting impact of this entry on the existing accounts.

Steps to convert a Journal Entry to a Draft

  1. Create a journal entry using the guide to create a new journal entry.
  2. After saving the journal entry, an option titled “Mark as Draft” will appear on the journal entry screen. Click on it.
  3. After clicking on the “Mark as Draft” option, the journal entry is saved as a draft and is not issued.
  4. Based on this procedure, the following happens:
    • The code number of the journal entry changes and is prefixed with the name “draft”.
    • The accounting effect of the entry on all existing accounts is nullified.

Note: You can re-issue and approve the entry again by clicking on the “Issue” option from the available options within the journal entry display/ view screen.