Adding a Bank Account
- Click on “Finance” from the main menu.
- Click on “Treasuries & Bank Accounts”.
- Click on the button “Add Bank Account”.
- Provide the required bank account details as follows:
- Name: Enter the bank account name as you want it to appear in the software’s lists and windows.
- Bank Account Name: Enter the name of the bank account within the bank.
- Bank Account Number: The number of the bank account within the bank.
- Currency: Select the transaction currency used in the bank account.
- Status: Choose “Active” to activate the bank account or “Inactive” to disable it.
- Description: Add a general description about the nature or purpose of the account.
- Permissions:
- Deposit: From the dropdown menu, select the deposit permission in the bank account for the staff, role, branch, or everyone.
- Withdraw: Select the withdrawal permission from the bank account for the staff, role, branch, or everyone.
The software does not actually communicate or link with accounts in banks, and is not affected by or affects any financial transactions within the bank.
However, you can manually link by importing the bank account statement to your account on the system, so you can match bank transactions with their corresponding disbursement and collection operations in the account.
Note: Upon saving, a subsidiary account for the bank will be added within the Accounts Guide and will be listed as follows:
Assets > Current Assets > Bank.