
Adding a Request Type

The “Request Type” feature gives you the ability to manage all types of requests, whether they are from employees or others. This request management process includes accepting or rejecting them, tracking them, and so on. For instance, as a Human Resources specialist, you can add types of requests such as leave requests, performance reviews, and the like.


How to Add a Request Type

  1. From the main menu, click on “Requests“.
  2. Click on “Settings“.
  3. Click on the card “Request Type“.
  4. Click on the button “New Request Type“.
  5. Enter the request type information as follows:
    • Name: Enter the name specific to the request type.
    • Request Type Icon: Choose from the dropdown menu next to the “Name” field an icon for the request type for distinction.
    • Status: Select from the dropdown menu the status of the request type, whether it’s “Active” or “Inactive“.
  6. Define the permissions for the request type as follows:
    • Add New Request: Select from the dropdown menu the individuals responsible for adding a new request: Everyone, None, Specific Branches, Specific Departments, Specific Designations, Specific Employees, or Specific Roles.
    • View Requests: Choose from the dropdown menu the individuals responsible for viewing the requests: Everyone, None, Specific Branches, Specific Departments, Specific Designations, Specific Employees, or Specific Roles.
    • Approve/Reject Requests: Choose from the dropdown menu the individuals responsible for approving/rejecting requests: Everyone, None, Specific Branches, Specific Departments, Specific Designations, Specific Employees, or Specific Roles.
    • Manage Requests to Others: Choose from the dropdown menu the individuals responsible for managing requests on behalf of others: Everyone, None, Specific Branches, Specific Departments, Specific Designations, Specific Employees, or Specific Roles.
    • Allow Approve or Reject my requests: Click on this checkbox to allow the user to accept or reject their own requests if they have permission for this request type.
    • Note: If any dropdown menu options other than Everyone or None are selected, such as Specific Branches, then select the specific branches in the adjacent field that the system shows you.
  7. Click on the “Save” button.
  • This added request type will appear in the “Manage Requests” list as a card with the chosen icon.