
Adding a New User

The user is usually an employee. However, they have additional permissions represented in their ability to manage the account as a delegate for the manager (owner). The account manager, in turn, determines these permissions based on the employee’s staff role. Refer to The difference between an employee and a user in Daftra for further clarification.


Steps to Add a New User

  1. From the main menu, click on “Employees
  2. Click on “Manage Employees
  3. Click on the “Add New” button
  4. Select “User
  5. Enter the new user’s information as follows:
    • General Information:
      • First Name: Enter the user’s first name
      • Surname: Enter the user’s surname
      • Middle Name: Enter the user’s middle name, if available
      • Employee Picture: Attach the employee’s picture by dragging and dropping it into the box or click on “Select from your computer” to choose a picture from your computer.
      • Notes: Write any notes about the user as needed.
      • Email Address: Enter the user’s company email address
      • Status: Choose from the list whether the user is “Active” or “Inactive
      • Allow access to the system: You can check this box to give this user access to the system.
      • Send credentials to employee on email: You can check this box to send login details to this user via email.
    • Employee Information:
      • Personal Information:
        • Date of Birth: Select the user’s birth date from the calendar.
        • Gender: Choose from the list the user’s gender, either “Male” or “Female
        • Country: Choose the user’s country from the list
        • Citizenship Status: Choose from the list if the employee is a resident or a citizen.
      • Contact Information:
        • Mobile Number: Enter the user’s mobile number in the dialog box
        • Phone Number: Enter the user’s telephone number in the dialog box
        • Personal Email: Enter the user’s email address
      • Present Address:
        • Address Line 1: Enter the user’s address
        • Address Line 2: You can enter the address line 2 information.
        • City: Enter the city where the user resides
        • State: Enter the user’s state or region depending on their geographic distribution
        • Postal Code: Enter the postal code for the user’s area
      • Permanent Address:
        • Address Line 1: Enter the user’s permanent address
        • Address Line 2: You can enter the address line 2 information.
        • City: Enter the city of the user’s permanent residence
        • State: Enter the state or region of the user’s permanent residence
        • Postal Code: Enter the postal code for the area of the user’s permanent residence
      • Job Information:
        • Designation: Choose the designation from the titles you’ve previously added. Refer to the guide “Adding a Designation.
        • Department: Select the user’s department from the dropdown menu. For more details, see the guide “Adding a Department“.
        • Employment Type: Select the user’s employment type from the dropdown menu. For further details, check out the guide “Adding an Employment Type“.
        • Employment Level: Select the user’s employment level from the dropdown menu. For more details, see the guide “Adding an Employment Level“.
        • Join Date: Choose the date the user joined the institution from the calendar.
        • Branch: Select the branch where the user works from the dropdown menu.
        • Booking Shift: Select the booking shift the user works in from the dropdown menu.
        • Fiscal Year Start Day: You can select the option “Use default Fiscal date” or you can customize a fiscal date for the user by choosing “Custom Fiscal Date” and entering the “day” and “month” for the custom date.
      • Attendance Information:
        • Attendance Shift: Select the user’s attendance shift from the dropdown menu.
        • Leave Policy: Choose the leave policy applicable to the user from the dropdown menu.
        • Holiday Lists: Choose the holiday list applicable to the user from the dropdown menu.
        • Attendance Restrictions: Select the user’s attendance restrictions from the list.
  6. Click on the “Save” button.