
Export Employees Contracts in Bulk

You can now export more than one contract at a time. This new feature allows you to efficiently manage multiple contracts in a single export process, reducing manual effort and ensuring accuracy. Follow the steps below to do so:

For more details about contracts refer to the following guide.

Exporting Contracts in Bulk

From the main menu click on “Payroll” then from the dropdown menu select “Contracts“.

Mark the checkbox beside the the contracts that you need to export, or click on the box at the top of the screen to mark them all.

Click on the “Export” button or click “Actions” then select “Export“.

Choose the specific contract data you want to include in the exported sheet, ensuring you get only the most relevant and essential information, then click on the “Export” button.

After exporting, you will find the Excel file downloaded to your device. Click on it to view the data that was downloaded.

In the exported Excel file, you will find the employees’ contracts along with their details. Each contract will be listed alongside the corresponding employment terms and related data.