
Viewing Payroll Details from the Employee Profile

  1. Click on “Employees” from the main menu.
  2. From the dropdown menu, click on “Manage Employees”.
  3. Select an employee to view their detailed profile.
  4. Click on “Payroll”.
  5. The system will display a detailed overview of the following:
  • Payroll Overview: A detailed summary of employee salary data, including earnings, deductions, and payroll history.
  • Loans: An overview of employee loans, tracking repayment status, installment details, and loan amounts.
  • Latest Payslips: A record of recently issued payslips, displaying payroll period, total salary, and status.
  • Current Contract Information: Key details of an employee’s active contract, including employment type, salary, and duration.
  • Contracts: A complete record of employee contracts.