A new loan page (“Clone”) will appear with the same details as the previous loan.
You can modify its details as follows:
Employee: Enter the name of the employee for whom the loan is being added and select it from the dropdown list.
Application Date: Select the loan application date from the calendar.
Amount: Enter the loan amount and select the currency from the adjacent dropdown list.
Installment Amount: Enter the installment amount to be deducted from the employee, and the system will automatically calculate the number of installments.
Note: The installment amount must be less than or equal to the loan amount.
Period of Installment: Choose the loan repayment rate from the dropdown list, selecting from (Monthly, Quarterly, Annually).
Installment Start Date: Select the loan installment start date from the calendar.
Treasury: Select the treasury from which the loan transactions will be conducted.
Repayment from Payslip: Check the box to pay the loan installments from the employee payslip.
Note: Enter any required notes about the loan, its amount, and its installments.