
Creating a Late Arrival Request

The late arrival request is added through ‘Leave Application‘ in the system. Follow the steps below to add a late arrival request:

  1. From the main menu, click on “Attendance.”
  2. Click on “Leave Applications” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the “+ Add Leave Application” button.

5. Enter the request information as follows:

    • Employee: Select the name of the employee requesting the late arrival.
    • Days: Select the days for which the employee is requesting a late arrival.
    • Start Date: Choose the date on which the late arrival is requested from the calendar.
    • End Date: Re-enter the same date as the requested day.
    • Type: Choose “Late Arrival” as the request type.
    • Late Time: Enter the desired time (in minutes) for the employee to arrive later than usual.
    • Description: Provide a brief description of the request in the text box.
    • Attachments: Add any relevant attachments to the request if needed, by dragging and dropping files, or by clicking the “Select from Your Computer” button.

6. Click the “Save” button.

  • The request will remain in the “Pending” status until it is approved or rejected.