
Creating an Early Leave Request

The early leave request is added through ‘Leave Application‘ in the system. Follow the steps below to add an early leave request:

  1. From the main menu, click on “Attendance.”
  2. Click on “Leave Applications” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the “+ Add Leave Application” button.

5. Enter the request information as follows:

    • Employee: Select the name of the employee requesting early leave request.
    • Days: Select the days the employee requests early leave.
    • Start Date: Choose the date on which early leave is requested from the calendar.
    • End Date: Re-enter the same date of the requested day.
    • Type: Choose “Early Leave” as the request type.
    • Early Time: Enter the desired time (in minutes) for the employee to leave earlier than usual.
    • Description: Provide a brief description of the request in the text box.
    • Attachments: Add any relevant attachments to the request if needed, by dragging and dropping files to attach them, or by clicking the “Select from Your Computer” button

6. Click the “Save” button.

  • The request will remain in the “Pending” status until it is approved or rejected.