
Integrating Daftra with WooCommerce

By linking your WooCommerce account with the system, you can seamlessly sync your transactions, including orders and product movements, between both platforms. This ensures that invoices are recorded and product stock updates—whether increases or decreases—are reflected in the system without the need for manual entry.

In this guide, we will walk you through the integration steps in detail.

Enabling WooCommerce Integration from Daftra

Click on “Apps Manager” from the “Settings” dropdown menu. Then, click on the “Manage External Apps” button.

Enable the WooCommerce button.

Click the “Accept” button to grant permission for the integration process.

Go to WooCommerce Admin and log in to your WooCommerce account to start the integration process.

Managing the integration settings in your WooCommerce account

After logging into your WooCommerce account, click on “Settings” from the main menu.

Click on “Advanced”.

Click on “REST API”.

Then, click on the “Create an API Key” button.

Enter the API key description in the “Description” field.

You will find the username and user code automatically generated in the “User” field.

The Permissions are automatically set to Read, but you can change them from the dropdown menu if needed.

After finishing, click on the “Generate API Key” button.

After generating your API keys, you need to return to Daftra and paste these keys into the integration screen within Daftra

  • Copy the Consumer Key, then go to Daftra and paste it.

  • Then, repeat the process with the Consumer Secret.


Returning to your WooCommerce account, copy the store domain URL and paste it into the designated field in Daftra.

  • The shop domain is the URL of your WooCommerce account.

In this example, the shop domain is:

Paste it into the “Shop Domain URL” field.

Then, click on the “Save” button.

Sync WooCommerce Transactions with Daftra

Click on the “Pull Orders” button to synchronize invoices.

Click on “Push Items” to match your products on Daftra according to the latest transactions on WooCommerce, or vice versa, based on your selection. You can also choose to sync only the main warehouse or all warehouses.

To enable synchronization, make sure the API Key permission includes Write access.

Otherwise, the synchronization will fail, and you will see the following error message:

Error: The API key provided does not have write permissions. [woocommerce_rest_authentication_error]