
Creating a Product Label Template (Barcode)

Steps to create a Barcode Label Template

  1. Click on “Templates” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Printable Templates“.
  3. Click on the “Product Label” card.
  4. Click on the “Add Template” button.
  5. Specify the name of the new template in the “Template Name” field.
  6. Add the required data in the template content section and control the data formatting as follows:

First: Select the size of the barcode label by clicking on the option “A4” then choosing “Other

Second: Set the length and width of the sticker size and click on “Set

Third: Determine the data variables to be displayed on the barcode label, such as “Product Name“, “Barcode Image“, and “Product Barcode”.

  • Select Placeholder: Through this field, you can choose the data variables to be added to the design.

Fourth: Formatting

Note: Set the formats first before adding data variables so they are affected by the added formats.

  • Times New Roman: Through this field, you can specify the font type to use in displaying the template data.
  • B: This button allows you to display words in a bolder font than the regular font size.
  • I: This button allows you to display characters in italic font.
  • 12PT: Through this field, you can specify the font size to use in displaying the template data.
  • Text Align: With the three options available, you can determine the data direction, whether to the far right, far left, or center of the page.

  • 🖾: Through this field, you can add an image to the design data.

  • <>: Through this field, you can add custom code to the design data.

  • 𝄝 : Through this field, you can add a custom table to the design data, which allows you to specify the number of columns and rows to add.

  • More Settings: Clicking on this field presents a new option “Margins“, which allows you to define and add margins to the design.

You can make clones of any of the default designs and then modify them if you only want to make some changes instead of designing a new template.