
Viewing the Monthly Sales Report

  1. Click on the “Reports” menu.
  2. Click on “Sales Reports“.
  3. From the “Sales Reports” page, select the “Monthly Sales” report.
    1. Select “Details” to view data for each invoice separately.
    2. Select “Summary” to view the total amounts of invoice transactions for the specified period.
  4. After viewing the report, you can apply several additional filters, which are:
    • Date Range: You can specify the start and end of the period you want the report to cover using this field.
    • Client: Select the client whose sales report you want to view.
      • If no specific client is selected, the system will display the report for all clients.
    • Invoiced By: Select a particular user or all users to view the report on invoices added by them.
    • Currency: Select the currency you want the report to be displayed in.
    • Work Order: Select a work order to view its invoices only.
    • Branch: Select one or more branches to view the sales report for their invoices.
  5. Once the filters are adjusted, click “Show Report“.
  6. You can print the report from “Print” or export it to a CSV, EXCEL, or PDF file from the export options.

Note: You can change the report view mode from monthly to daily, weekly, yearly, by client, or by staff through the “Monthly” field located below the filter determinants.