
Viewing the Income Statement Report

To View the Income Statement Report

  1. Click on the “Reports” menu.
  2. Click on “Accounting Reports“.
  3. From the “Accounting Reports” page, select the “Income Statement” report.
  4. The “Income Statement” report will appear on a new page. You can apply a number of additional filters to the report, including:
    • Date Range: Through this field, you can define the start and end of the period for which you want to view the report.
    • Accounts Branch: select the required branch that you wish to view its accounts in the income statement, you can also select all branches.
      • This option will only show in the report in case you have enabled the “Specify Account Branches” option from your “Branches Settings”.
    • Journals Branch: Select the branch whose journals you wish to view in the income statement; you can also select all branches together.
    • Display All Accounts: You can choose “Display All Accounts” or “Display All Accounts with Transactions “ or “Hide Zero Accounts”.
    • Levels: Choose the accounts display level as you want from level 1 to 5 or choose “Default Levels”.
    • Note: If you have closed fiscal years, a new field will appear allowing you to select the desired fiscal year.
  5. After modifying the filters, click on “Show Report“.
  6. You can print the report from “Print” or export it to a CSV, EXCEL, or PDF file from the export options.


  • In case the report is for a closed fiscal year, e.g., 2022, you should define the period from 01/01/2022 to 30/12/2022. This will display all transactions up to 30/12/2022. If you set the end date as 31/12/2022, the net income in the report will be “zero” due to the closure of the fiscal year, which results in the closing entry of expenses and incomes on the same day.