
Track Autoparts by Serial Number

Through Daftra, you can track your products using one of three methods: serial number, shipment number, or expiration date. In this article, we will specifically focus on the first method, “Serial Number”. This method offers precise insights into a product’s lifecycle, aiding in efficient information retrieval for your business.

Enable the Products Tracking System in the Inventory

Before starting you need to make sure that the inventory tracking system is enabled.

To do so, follow the below steps.



  1. From the main menu, click on “Inventory”.
  2. Select from the dropdown menu “Inventory Settings”.
  3. Click on the “General” tab.
  4. Activate the setting for “Track Products Using Serial, Lot or Expiry Date”.
  5. Click on the “Save” button.

Adding a Serial Number for a New Product

After activating the product tracking feature, we can add a new product and assign a serial number to it as a tracking method.

First, go to “Inventory” from the main menu, then choose “Parts and Services.” Click on “Add,” select “New Part”, and you can refer to the “Add a new product” guide to fill in the rest of the information.

In our illustrative example, we will add the “Car Radiator” product and fill in its basic details.


Now let’s scroll down directly to the “Inventory Management” field, to activate the “Stock Tracking” option. Here, you will see all the available tracking methods and we’ll choose “Serial Number“.
Then click on “Save“.

Assigning a Serial Number from Requisition

To assign a serial number to the “Radiator” product from the requisitions, click on “Inventory” from the main menu, then select “Manage Requisitions.”

Next, click on the “Add” button and choose “Manual Inbound” from the dropdown menu.



Fill in the data for the requisition as required. You can refer to the “Creating a Manual Inbound Requisition” to complete this step.

In the “Items” field, select the “Radiator” part that you want to add to the requisition with a serial number.

In the “Quantity” field, specify the quantity added for the “Radiator” product. Add the “Serial number” of the part in the box below the item.

Now click on “Confirm” to save the requisition.


Setting a Serial Number from a Purchase Invoice

You can assign a serial number to the “Radiator” product from its purchase invoice as a means of tracking.

Note: Before this task, ensure you haven’t activated “Enable Requisitions for Purchases and Sales”. If it’s activated, you must add the serial number from the inbound requisition related to the purchase invoice, not directly from the purchase invoice.

You can refer to the “enabling requisitions for sales and purchases” guide to complete this step.

To assign a serial number to the “Radiator” product from the purchase invoice, click on “Purchases” from the main menu, then select “Purchase Invoices,” and click on the “New Purchase Invoice” button.



Now click “Save“.

Note: For more details about how to create a purchase invoice refer to the guide “Creating a purchase invoice

Issuing a Product with a Serial Number from the Sales Invoice

You can issue a product with a serial number from its sales invoice.

Note: However, before doing this task, you should first make sure that “Enable Requisitions for Purchases and Sales” is not activated. If this option is activated, you must add the serial number from the requisition specific to the sales invoice, not directly from the sales invoice. You can refer to the “Requisitions of Purchases & Sales” guide to complete this step.

First, click on “Sales” from the main menu, then select “Create Invoice.

Enter the sales invoice details as required, and you can refer to the “Creating a new sales invoice on Daftra” guide for assistance.

In the “Items” field, select the product “Radiator” that is tracked by a serial number. Add the parts serial numbers in the box below the items.



Complete filling in the remaining data on the invoice, then click the “Save” button.

Note: Be aware that the system will not accept the difference between the first and last serial numbers to be more than 150, as this is the maximum number of checks in one book.

Tracking Product Tables

Daftra provides the feature to review the movement of tracked products in organized tables. This feature allows us to access the serial number of the product and know its purchase and sales invoices.

To display the movement of the “Radiator” product tracked by the serial number, we first click on “Inventory” from the main menu, then click on “Part Tracking.”

A list of parts assigned with a tracking method “serial number” will appear. Click on the “Radiator” product to display its inventory movement.

To view the details of the part transaction, click on the “Stock Transaction” tab.



Thus, we have reviewed the transactions of the part “Radiator,” identified its serial number, and accessed its purchase and sales invoices.

Note: Be aware that the system will not accept the difference between the first and last serial numbers to be more than 150, as this is the maximum number of checks in one book.