
Training Programs

Daftra provides a form for training programs in which you can enter information and add the program’s target and schedule, as well as the possibility to add several clients to the same program.

How to Create a New Training Program

Click on “Training Programs” from the main menu,

then choose “Manage Training Programs” from the dropdown menu.



This page should contain all of the previously added training programs, but we have yet to add any.

To add a new training program click on “Add Training Program“.

You’ll be directed to the following form as illustrated in the image below:

General Information


The form includes various sections, each requires info different than the other. The first section is the “General Information” and it requires the following info:


  • Title: The name of the program you want to add.
  • Order Number: A number or code that distinguishes the program inside the training program type and is sequentially set automatically. It can be modified or its sequencing method can be changed through the Auto Numbering Settings within the account.
  • Start Date: The start date of the program.
  • End Date: The end date of the program.
  • Client: Choose a client from the list.
  • Assigned Employees: Choose a trainer from the list if the program is linked to a specific trainer.
  • Budget: Determine the value of the program’s budget.
    • Note: The budget indicator works inside the order file and moves either according to the order’s expenses and costs or according to the invoices of the clients within the order.
  • Tags: Writing keywords about the program to help with search operations within the system.
  • Attachments: If you want to upload any files related to this program.
  • Click on the “Save” button.

Training Program More Information

This field includes the program’s target as well as any other clients who require the same training program.



  • Trainees: Other clients who require the same program.
  • Program Target: What is the trainer’s target for this program and what does he need to achieve with his clients

Training Schedule

  • Day: Training days order.
  • Training Type: The type of training that the client will be doing each day.
  • Time: How long will the training take

Click on “Add+” to add more days and specify each day’s training type and time.